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and usual flip-flop can be used to store one bit in digital system data and handle in world construction of many bits it is constituted to arrange a number of flip flop into a common structure called a register the storage capacity of the register is number of a bit of digital data it can store each stage of the cell register respective 1 bit of storage capacity the number of stages in a resistor determine its total state capacity

the operation of all flip flop in a register in synchronised bi a common clock data hot written loaded into for read from all flipflop at the same time processing of digital data requires the capability of shift and root the data capability of the register limits the movements of a data from stage II stage within the register or into or out of the register upon application of clock pulse

proper operation of a shift register required that its contents be shifted exactly on position for each clock pulse other master slave or edge triggered flip flop are used for the purpose


shift register on logic circuit used for the storage and movement of digital data register as specified sequence of state per account that has a specified sequence of state

buffer register is the simplest of register with simply stores the binary world most of the buffer register use d flip flop the logic diagram of a 4 bit buffer register the binary world to be stored is applied to the data terminals on the applications of clock pulse in output world is loaded into the register and it is available at output terminals


data may be shifted into the register in serial form of the parallel form in serial shifting data is transmitted in to register one bit at a time in parallel 15 data the shifted into the register at the same time data may be shifted out of the registered dealer in series or in parallel form serial output means that is data is transmitted out of the register one of one bit at a time


serial in serial out shift register accept data serial that is a one beat it and one signal line it reduce the stored information on its output also in serial form 4 bit shift register implemented withforce changes this register camps tour of data

the next one into binary number is put into the data input line and a clock pulse is applied in one is entered into FB store in SSC is shifted into FB and the one stored in a cell is used in UFC after 3rd clock pulse

the last bit in the binary number is slide data input and a clock pulse is applied this time the one is entered into the one stored in SSC is shifted into SSB the zero stored in SSB is shifted into SSC and the ones to assessee is shifted into SSD after IV clock pulse

this complements in serial entry of 4 bit number into the shift register


if we want to get the data out of the register they must be shifted out serial and taken off the cutie put it requires 4 o'clock to shift out of the four store data after clock in the data entry operation described the right most one is in the number appears on the output when clock pulse clock is applied the second it appears on the the output clock shift 3rd bit to output and clock shift the four bit with output clock shifts the last bit out of the shift register original 4 bits are being shifted out a new 4 bit number can be shifted in the examples all should be shifted in figure it is straight each step in the shifted are the four bits into the out of the register is the timing diagram from loading the data 110124 bit serial in serial out shift register


a shift register can be constructed using JK flip flop shown in the figure the data is supplied input the complement of this is referred to the terminal of FA is connected to effect of the terminal fff fff is connected to the input of assessee is and so on also

a shift register can be constructed using SR flip flop the data is applied at the this is the eternal of FF output of accessory is connected to the SSP input FFC


figure 3.6 shows the logical diagram of and logical symbol of 4 bit serial in parallel out shift register in this type of register the data bits are entered into the register serial a bit by bit but the data stored in register is shifted out in parallel from the serial in parallel out shift register can be used as output


in the parallel in serial out shift register for internet simulator into the respective stages this data bits are transmitted out of the register serial figure 3.7 Street a 4 bit parallel serial in out register there are 4 data lines a b c and dthrough which the data is entered into the register in parallel form the signal input the data entered in parallel form into the register and the data to be shifted out serial from terminals

when shift load is DU given G2 and G3 are enabled the or gate or lo the parallel data entry operation is data bit is applied to the input of its respective flipflop when a clock pulse is applied to the flipflop with d = 1 will set and use with d = 0 reset there by storing all four bits anyone memory


a bidirectional shift register is one in which the data which can be shifted from left to right or from right to left figure 3.9 shows the logical diagram of a 4 bit serial in serial out bidirectional shift register right and left is the mode signal on the right left control input allows data to be selected on the right and low enables the left shift of data

yeh hai on the right left control input enabled the and gate jivan G2 G3 and G4 and disable the and kids of 3 5G 6g 7 and 8 the state of output of each flipflop is password through the gate of the input of the following flipflop clock pulse the data bits are shifted one place is a right

yellow on the right left control input enabled then kit ji 5G 6798 and disable the end gate G1 G2 G3 and G4 the output of each flipflop is password to the d input of the president flipflop o'clock the database are shifted one place to the left and the circuit works as a bidirectional shift register
