analogue quantity is one that can take on any value over a continuous range of value it is respected and exact value most physical valuable or analogue in nature temperature pressure light and sound instantaneously speed et cetera some of the example of analogue. only value value is expressed uni digital such as binary number
when a physical process is controlled by digital system the output of a digital computer is converted into analogue signal using digital to analogue converter output of the day AC is modified by and output is a curated is supplied as a control vibrator as shown in the figure 4.1
digital to analogue converter is a process of converting the value presented in a binary into a voltage or current which is pension digital value symbol for 4 bit each of the value of zero or one there are used for 16 number 000 111
the circuit diagram of weighted resistor PAC the operational amplifier is used to reduce divided some of the digital inputs where the whites are are proportional to the white head of the big position of input is connected as a 4 input circuit of adding 4 input voltage V3 V2 v1 and b 0 each x a constant green factor virtual equalization circuit is shown in the figure we using the ground concept we can write equations from the current I as follows
the binary ladder is prospective network is voltage is properly oriented some of the digital inputs such as a leader designed for 4 bit shown in the figure 4.4 it is constructed of a resistor that have only two values the left and of the ladder is transmitted in resistance of you are doubt of the r 2r ladder is applied to the camp it follows which has a very high input resistance and output amplifier is exactly equal to the input when placed between the ladder load it removes the loading on the letter it is assume for the moment that the right end of the ladder output is opened it can be observed that the total resistance looking from any nude that towards the transmitting register for outward digital input it can be shown that the first MSB provides and output voltage of 2nd provides an output voltage of third MSB provides the output voltage of and so on the output voltage of the binary ladder are summarised in figure each digital data input is transformed into a properly weighted binary output voltage the ladder is composed of linear resistor the principle of superposition is applicable to a combination of input and output voltage levels caused by digital data from following points are worth noting
DC are used whenever the output of a digital circuits must provide analogue voltage on current drive and unlock device some of the most common applications are described in the following Paris
control the digital output of the computer can be converted to analogue control signal to adjust the speed of the motor for the temperature of a furnace to control almost any physical variable
automatic testing computers can be programmed to generate the analogue signal through a needed to test analogue circuit test circuits analogue output response will normally be converted to a digital value of ADC and fed into computers to just hold displayed and sometimes analysed
signal reconstruction applications analogue signal is decide that the successive points on the signal are converted to the digital equivalent and stored in memory this conversion is performed buy an analogue to digital converter digital to analogue converter can be used to convert the stood digitalised and the back of the analogue one. I'm at a time there by reconstructing the original signal this combination of digital ise and reconstructing is used in digital storage oscilloscope audio compact discuss system and digital audio and video recording we will look at the father after we learn about ADC
serial meaning ofDSC application Anmol se micro processor the main problem with using the parallel data that have been described does for is that they occupy show miniport bits the microcomputer in case were speed of data transfer is a little concerned in microprocessor cannot put the digital value of ADC over a serial in inference serial bases are now rate li available with the built-in serial in parallel out shift register
delete data along with the code that specifies which ADC you want are sent to the chipko 1 beta time each bit is present on the Di AC input a pulse is applied to serial clock input to shift the wind is after the proper number of the data value is latitude and convert it to its analogue value
analogue quantity is one that can take on any value over a continuous range of value it is respected and exact value most physical valuable or analogue in nature temperature pressure light and sound instantaneously speed et cetera some of the example of analogue. only value value is expressed uni digital such as binary number
when a physical process is controlled by digital system the output of a digital computer is converted into analogue signal using digital to analogue converter output of the day AC is modified by and output is a curated is supplied as a control vibrator as shown in the figure 4.1
digital to analogue converter is a process of converting the value presented in a binary into a voltage or current which is pension digital value symbol for 4 bit each of the value of zero or one there are used for 16 number 000 111
the circuit diagram of weighted resistor PAC the operational amplifier is used to reduce divided some of the digital inputs where the whites are are proportional to the white head of the big position of input is connected as a 4 input circuit of adding 4 input voltage V3 V2 v1 and b 0 each x a constant green factor virtual equalization circuit is shown in the figure we using the ground concept we can write equations from the current I as follows
the binary ladder is prospective network is voltage is properly oriented some of the digital inputs such as a leader designed for 4 bit shown in the figure 4.4 it is constructed of a resistor that have only two values the left and of the ladder is transmitted in resistance of you are doubt of the r 2r ladder is applied to the camp it follows which has a very high input resistance and output amplifier is exactly equal to the input when placed between the ladder load it removes the loading on the letter it is assume for the moment that the right end of the ladder output is opened it can be observed that the total resistance looking from any nude that towards the transmitting register for outward digital input it can be shown that the first MSB provides and output voltage of 2nd provides an output voltage of third MSB provides the output voltage of and so on the output voltage of the binary ladder are summarised in figure each digital data input is transformed into a properly weighted binary output voltage the ladder is composed of linear resistor the principle of superposition is applicable to a combination of input and output voltage levels caused by digital data from following points are worth noting
DC are used whenever the output of a digital circuits must provide analogue voltage on current drive and unlock device some of the most common applications are described in the following Paris
control the digital output of the computer can be converted to analogue control signal to adjust the speed of the motor for the temperature of a furnace to control almost any physical variable
automatic testing computers can be programmed to generate the analogue signal through a needed to test analogue circuit test circuits analogue output response will normally be converted to a digital value of ADC and fed into computers to just hold displayed and sometimes analysed
signal reconstruction applications analogue signal is decide that the successive points on the signal are converted to the digital equivalent and stored in memory this conversion is performed buy an analogue to digital converter digital to analogue converter can be used to convert the stood digitalised and the back of the analogue one. I'm at a time there by reconstructing the original signal this combination of digital ise and reconstructing is used in digital storage oscilloscope audio compact discuss system and digital audio and video recording we will look at the father after we learn about ADC
serial meaning ofDSC application Anmol se micro processor the main problem with using the parallel data that have been described does for is that they occupy show miniport bits the microcomputer in case were speed of data transfer is a little concerned in microprocessor cannot put the digital value of ADC over a serial in inference serial bases are now rate li available with the built-in serial in parallel out shift register
delete data along with the code that specifies which ADC you want are sent to the chipko 1 beta time each bit is present on the Di AC input a pulse is applied to serial clock input to shift the wind is after the proper number of the data value is latitude and convert it to its analogue value
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